Ubuntu plex media server login
Ubuntu plex media server login

ubuntu plex media server login

Note, you will need root privileges to execute these commands. To start the Plex Media Server service, run this command. To enable the Plex media service, run this command in the Terminal: $ sudo systemctl enable rvice However, running a few lines of command will not harm.

ubuntu plex media server login

For some systems, the Plex Media Server service may be enabled and started automatically after installation. Enabling and Starting Plex Media ServerĪfter a successful installation, you will need to start and enable the media server. Remember to change the file-name with the name of your downloaded deb package. If you used wget command, then it should be in the current working directory.ĭpkg -i Install Plex DEB file You can do this using the change directory (cd) command. Launch the Terminal, navigate to the location of the downloaded deb file. If you can alternatively copy the download link to the setup, and use the wget command in Terminal. For example, if you are using a 64bit system, then download the 64bit setup. Ensure your system meets the hardware requirements. Currently, as of writing this post, only Ubuntu 16.04 LTS setup is available, but it also works for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Select PlatformĪ prompt will load requesting you to select your distribution. On the drop-down menu, click choose Linux. You will be required to select the platform you are using. Navigate to the Plex Media Server Downloads page. Our platform of choice is Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. In this article, we are going to look a step by step procedure of installing Plex Media Server.

Ubuntu plex media server login