Diablo 4 gameplay pc
Diablo 4 gameplay pc

diablo 4 gameplay pc

This Act contains 16 main story quests to complete and it's recommended that you go into it around level 15 or higher. Upon completing Act 2: The Knife Twists Again in Diablo 4, you can jump into Act 3, which is called The Making of Monsters. Below, you can find a list of each quest in this Act. This section of the game contains 17 main story quests to complete and recommends that you're level 10 or higher before embarking on the journey. Below, you can find a list of each quest in this Act.Īfter finishing Act 1, you can start up the next part of your journey through Sanctuary in Act 2: The Knife Twists Again. Act 1: A Cold and Iron Faith contains 19 quests for you to complete, and this page will guide you through each one. Upon completing the Prologue in Kyovashad, the game will open up so you can go out and explore more of Sanctuary's world, along with continuing the main campaign. There are 8 quests in total that you'll need to complete, including a Dungeon you'll get to experience in Icehowl Ruins.

diablo 4 gameplay pc

This section of the walkthrough will guide you through the game's Prologue.

Diablo 4 gameplay pc